Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety

Protection of the Environment, Conservation of our Natural Resources, and Preservation of our Employees' Health & Safety in the diverse occupational settings of our Workplaces

From our Strategic Policies to our Tactical and Operational business practices, our employees' health and safety is paramount in everything we do, just as we strive every day to protect the safety of our products and thereby that of our end-users and consumers, medical practitioners and patients. Our facilities have active and engaged EHS Committees that involve employee participation from all angles of our business to contribute to the continuous improvement of our workplace from an EHS standpoint.

Our Site EHS Committees are composed of cross-functional members from Management, Production, Engineering, Maintenance, New Product Development, Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology, Shipping & Receiving, Quality Assurance/Control, Human Resources, and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS). The EHS Committees meet regularly to review and discuss local EHS affairs impacting operations, review accidents, incidents, injuries, illnesses, near misses, regulatory developments, and suggestions, concerns, and corrective actions to be taken to address any outstanding issues.

Strategic Involvement

The EHS function interacts closely with Strategic Business Partners to carry out its duties, goals, objectives, and responsibilities as a trusted advisor, subject matter expert, and consultant to the business in the broad realm of environmental, health and safety affairs.

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Tactical Involvement

At the Local Level, the EHS function interacts closely with Business Partners to carry out its duties, goals, objectives, and responsibilities as a trusted advisor, subject matter expert, and consultant to the business in the broad realm of environmental, health and safety affairs.

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