Employee Impact Group Highlights African American Innovators Throughout Black History Month 

Team leaders for voices of African Descent

To celebrate Black History Month in February, Fresenius Kabi’s Voices of African Descent (VOAD) Employee Impact Group is exploring the theme of “African Americans and Labor” by honoring Black innovators.

“We are celebrating Black history so that the accomplishments of our ancestors are not forgotten in the traditional historical narrative,” said Aunica Jones, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, and VOAD Co-Chair. “We want to educate people about key figures and events that may not be widely known.” 

Some Black innovators have played a critical role in advancements that impact our work at Fresenius Kabi. For instance, Charles Drew, MD, a prominent African American physician, surgeon and researcher, revolutionized blood transfusion by developing techniques for preservation of blood plasma. As a result, he’s known as the Father of the Blood Bank. Joycelyn Elders, MD, a pediatrician, was appointed as the 15th Surgeon General of the United States, becoming the first African American physician and second woman to lead the U.S. Public Health Service. 

The information will be shared across Fresenius Kabi’s internal social channels to raise awareness. Employees can complete a quiz later in the month and be entered in a raffle with a chance to win a gift card to a Black-owned business.  

“Black History Month is just one part of VOAD’s mission of bringing together Fresenius Kabi employees whose stories are rooted in African heritage and those who are committed to creating a more equitable workplace,” said Joy Anderson, Sr. Manager, Compliance, and VOAD Co-Chair. “Through VOAD, all employees are welcome to help make a difference.” 

VOAD is one of Fresenius Kabi’s six employee impact groups, which are open to all employees regardless of cultural background.

As part of its mission, VOAD: 

  • Hosts activities that promote leadership development, professional growth and wellbeing. 
  • Supports business initiatives by providing cultural insight to better engage and serve patients of African descent. 
  • Helps the company build meaningful community partnerships centered on the health, wellbeing and advancement of Black communities. 

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January)

VOAD played an important role in advocating for the company to add Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to the holiday calendar in 2023.  

In addition, throughout January, VOAD invites Fresenius Kabi colleagues to join in a day of service to carry on Dr. King’s spirit of service. Employees can volunteer individually, with their team, or with their family for any service project that strengthens the community. Employees can volunteer on Martin Luther King Jr. Day or any time in January using the Caring for Our Communities Volunteer Day Off provided by Fresenius Kabi.

A group of women holding a sign

Juneteenth (June 19th)

In 2024, VOAD hosted an online and in-person event that included hundreds of Fresenius Kabi employees to learn about and celebrate Juneteenth, the historic liberation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. The event included poignant and inspiring performances and provided meaningful experiences for attendees.

Juneteenth is a holiday celebrated annually that marks the official end of slavery in the United States. While President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, issued on Jan. 1, 1863, granted freedom to people still held as slaves in Confederate states, the order was not enforced until Union soldiers advanced after the war ended. On June 19, 1865, Union troops entered Galveston, Texas, and issued a proclamation that freed slaves in Texas. Juneteenth is considered our country’s second independence day and was declared a federal holiday on June 17, 2021 under the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act.

“The story of Juneteenth is the story of freedom delayed, and consequently, denied,” said Dr. Ted Williams, a performing artist, educator and scholar in racial equity and justice, during his keynote address at the 2024 Juneteenth event. “You don’t have to have gone through a struggle to empathize with it. We tend to forget about history when history is a part of everything we do, and understanding history empowers us for the future.” 

The story of Juneteenth is discussed

Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month (September)

VOAD organizes blood drives in partnership with the American Red Cross, as blood transfusions are proven to effectively treat sickle cell disease.1 The most common inherited blood disorder in the United States, sickle cell disease disproportionally affects individuals of African descent. Most patients require a close blood type match of the same race or similar ethnicity. Last September, approximately 130 employees donated blood to support the cause. VOAD also hosted a webinar with American Red Cross to help raise awareness about the disease and the importance of ongoing research to pursue a cure as well as the critical need for blood donations.

VOAD member Amanda Jeffries-Zeitler, a Sr. Clinical Specialist helped organize last year’s blood drive. “I am proud to support blood donations efforts to help ensure a diverse and plentiful blood supply, which is vital to treat patients with sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder that disproportionally affects African Americans,” Jeffries-Zeitler said.  

Team members donate blood

Getting Involved 

In addition to the rewards of organizing these important activities, participating in VOAD offers a number of benefits. VOAD meetings, typically held every other month, enable members to come together with peers who have shared experiences and cultural backgrounds. VOAD members say the group gives them a sense of belonging and a safe space to discuss sensitive topics impacting Black communities.  

VOAD also helps members grow professionally and personally, especially those interested in leadership roles at Fresenius Kabi. 

“Serving as co-chair pulled me out of my comfort zone of only working in my department and enabled me to engage in more public speaking opportunities and interactions with various individuals in leadership,” Jones said. “By supporting VOAD’s mission, I’m able to contribute to an important movement that is bigger than myself and encourage more cultural awareness within our organization.” Jones’ term as Co-Chair ends in January 2026, but she looks forward to a continuing role with VOAD. 

Fresenius Kabi employees interested in joining VOAD as a member or ally can contact Aunica Jones or Joy Anderson. The group typically meets every other month to plan, share ideas and build community. 

“Participating in VOAD gives members a safe space to express themselves and discuss issues that are important to our community,” said Anderson. “VOAD allows members to meet colleagues that they would not necessarily interact with in their day- to- day roles. VOAD provides a sense of community and an opportunity to be part of an important cause.” 


1 Sickle Cell Disease: When and How to Transfuse, NIH National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2016