Global Speak Up Policy

At Fresenius Kabi, our purpose is to provide life-saving medicines and technologies to people who care for patients and to find answers to the challenges they face. Fulfilling this purpose requires every one of us to be committed to working ethically and with the highest standards of integrity. Violations of law or non-compliant behavior can result in severe consequences, both for involved individuals and for our company as a whole.

Therefore, we expect all Fresenius Kabi Personnel to protect the company’s reputation by speaking up if there are questions or concerns about potential Compliance Violations which also includes Human Rights Violations. We also encourage everybody outside our organization, who witness potential Compliance Violations in connection with our business operations to speak up and address any concerns to our dedicated reporting channels.

This policy provides a guideline informing about the channels and protection available to Reporters, which kind of reports qualify for protection and whom to report relevant information to. Further, it illustrates in which manner we will support and protect Reporters against potential negative consequences and how we will ensure fair treatment of employees mentioned in reports.

Global Speak Up Policy

Global Speak Up Policy

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Global Speak Up Policy