Fresofol 1% MCT/ LCT

Minimum pain Maximum benefit

  • Rapid onset of action
  • Short duration of effect due to rapid metabolism and elimination.
  • Early recovery from anaesthesia with early and complete awakening.
  • Less PONV compared to volatile anaesthetics.
  • Over a billion propofol-based anaesthetics performed to date worldwide.1

PONV = Post-operative nausea and vomiting
1 IMS statistic annual book, Wiesbaden 2005

Fresofol 1% MCT/LCT is a short –acting intravenous general anaesthetic agent for

  • induction    and    maintenance    of    general anaesthesia
  • sedation of artificially ventilated patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  • Sedation for diagnostic and surgical procedures, alone or in combination with local or regional anaesthesia

  • Packs containing 5  glass ampoules  with 20 ml emulsion
  • Packs containing 1 glass vial with 50 ml emulsion

  • Do not store above 25 °C. Do not freeze. Keep out of reach of children.
  • Containers should be shaken before use.
  • Use only if the emulsion is homogeneous and the container undamaged.
  • Pharmaceutical form - Emulsion for injection or infusion