
Neuromuscular Blocking Agent

  • Each ml contains Midazolam 1mg and WFI

  • For preoperative sedation
  • For  conscious  sedation  prior  to  short  diagnostic  or  endoscopic procedures.
  • For induction of general anaesthesia prior to administration of other anaesthetic agents

  • The recommended premedication dose of Midazolam for adult patients below the age of 60 years is 0.07 to 0.08 mg/kg administered about 1 hour before surgery.
  • When used for conscious sedation, dosage must be individualized and titrated.
  • Induction of Anaesthesia: Unpremedicated Patients: In the absence of premedication, an average adult under the age of 55 years will require an initial dose of 0.3 to 0.35 mg/kg for induction, administered over 20 to 30 seconds and allowing 2 minutes for effect. If needed increments of approximately 25% of the patient's initial dose may be used to complete induction.
  • In resistant cases, up to 0.6 mg/kg may be used for induction, but such large doses may prolong recovery.
  • Unpremedicated patients over the age of 55 years usually require less Midazolam for induction; an initial dose of 0.3 mg/kg is recommended.
  • Unpremedicated patients with severe systemic  disease  or other  debilitation  usually  require less Midazolam for induction. An initial dose of 0.2 to 0.25 mg/kg will usually suffice; in some cases, as little as 0.15 mg/kg may suffice.

  • Strengths/Available in:

5ml and10ml