Interaction between Fresenius Kabi and healthcare professionals and/or healthcare organisations must not be misused to influence purchasing decisions through undue or improper advantages nor should such interaction be contingent upon a sales transaction or the use or a recommendation of Fresenius Kabi’s products.
Fresenius Kabi is emphatically against bribery and corruption and does not tolerate conducting business through unfair means.
Fresenius Kabi’s Code of Conduct includes a written policy against corruption which underlines our efforts to prevent corruption in our business environment: Our reputation as a reliable business partner with integrity shall not be jeopardised by corruption.
As Fresenius Kabi regularly interacts with physicians and hospitals, our global policy on interacting with healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations establishes the key principles for such interactions:
Compliance Program
Fresenius Kabi maintains a compliance program designed to detect, prevent and respond to potential compliance risks. Key elements of this compliance program are:
Fresenius Kabi does not tolerate retaliation by any individual against another for good faith reports of compliance violations.