CompoSelect® RCC

CompoSelect® RCC

Preparation of plasma, platelet rich buffy coat and leukocyte depleted red cell concentrate


  • Minimum volume loss of filtered RCC (RBC Recovery > 90%)
  • Concentration of rest leukocytes < 1 x 106/U
  • Short filtration time (dependent on volume, Hct, temperature, resting time)
  • Flexible filtration start (after 2 h to < 24 h depending on cooling procedure)
  • Flexible temperature in filtration (at cold temperature or at room temperature)
  • Flexible choice of CompoSelect® in-line systems (preparation of platelet concentrates in quadruple system (BC pool) or quintuple system (single PLT) and plasma filtration)
  • Easy handling (proved in routine use)

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Product Information

Please note that this product may not be available in all countries due to different registration status.

If you require any information, please contact your local organization.